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Category: City News

SSA Update: Meditation Stories + Weather Support

The City of San Rafael continues to successfully operate the temporary Service Support Area (SSA) for those experiencing homelessness. Individuals are in a safe place (the City funds security 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) where they can connect with a variety of services including mobile showers, case management, charging stations, and food donations.  The site … Continued

Multiple Road Closures for tree work from 12/20 to 12/23

On Monday, December 20 through Wednesday, December 23, there will be tree work on behalf of PG&E happening along powerlines at the locations indicated below. Temporary traffic controls will be in place based on the roads of each location using CA MUTCD temporary traffic control plans.  Please observe all traffic controls, directional signals, and traverse … Continued

Snapshot — Homelessness Update, SB9 Guidance, Commission Openings, and More!!!

Snapshot – de parte del Gerente de la Ciudad de San Rafael Spotlight Photo CAPTION: San Rafael Police Department boat carries the San Rafael City Council in 2021 Lighted Boat Parade PHOTO CREDIT: Jim Schutz, City Manager  Last Quiz Question Congrats to Sallee Taaffe for being the first to correctly respond to our mystery quiz in the last Snapshot. The question was “When was the … Continued

City Administrative Offices Holiday Closure 12/24 – 1/2/22

City administrative offices and facilities will be closed from Friday, December 24, 2021 through Sunday, January 2, 2022. Offices will reopen on Monday, January 3, 2022. Public Safety and Emergency Services Police, fire and paramedic services will be fully staffed with 9-1-1 emergency service continuing to dispatch calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a … Continued

Weekend Rain Expected – Prepare Accordingly!

Widespread rainfall is expected this weekend in Marin. Starting Saturday, December 11th through Tuesday, December 14th, moderate to heavy rainfall is expected for the entire Bay Area, with gusts of 30-40 mph (55+ in higher elevations) and rainfall totals of 3-5 inches. As we enter into the heavy winter season, we encourage all City residents … Continued

AT&T Utility Work in Terra Linda

AT&T Line crews will be working in the vicinity of 695 Del Ganado, San Rafael to place aerial optical fiber for customers in the neighborhood. Please follow all traffic control and detours in the area. Start Date: December 10, 2021 End Date: January 19, 2021 These dates exclude holidays, including December 24, 2021 and December … Continued

San Rafael Sanitation District Prospect Drive Sewer Improvement Project

NOTICE TO LOCAL RESIDENTS & PROPERTY OWNERS  10- Day Notice Road Closure  SAN RAFAEL SANITATION DISTRICT PROSPECT DRIVE SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT  The San Rafael Sanitation District has awarded Westland Contractors, Inc. a contract to repair the sanitary sewer main serving your property. The project will involve trenching and working in the public right-of-way to perform … Continued

Defensible Space Fuel Reduction in Bayside Acres Beginning on December 6, 2021

Starting December 6th, 2021, the San Rafael Fire Department, in collaboration with Marin County Fire Department will begin vegetation management behind homes and along the Bayview Fire Road in Bayside Acres. Work will take approximately 3 days to complete. Work will focus on creating and maintaining defensible space within 130’ of homes and creating continuity … Continued

Snapshot — MSS Rates, Holiday Gift Ideas, Sparkle & Cheer, SantaCop Toy Donations, and More!!!

Snapshot – de parte del Gerente de la Ciudad de San Rafael Spotlight Photo CAPTION: Taken from Ridgewood Fire Road, November 2021  PHOTO CREDIT: Jim Schutz, City Manager  Last Quiz Question Congrats to Joanne Paben for being the first to correctly answer the last Snapshot quiz! The picture was taken from the Jean and John Starkweather Shoreline Trail. This path is great for the entire family! Check … Continued

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