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Category: City News

Multiple Road Closures for tree work from 11/29 to 12/01

On Monday, November 29 through Wednesday, December 1, there will be tree work on behalf of PG&E happening in the locations indicated below. Temporary traffic controls will be in place based on the roads of each location using CA MUTCD temporary traffic control plans.  Please observe all traffic controls, directional signals, and traverse with caution. … Continued

2021 Affordable Housing NOFA – Released

Notice Of Funding Availability For the Acquisition/Rehabilitation or New Development of Affordable Rental or Ownership Housing NOFA ISSUED: 11/12/2021 RESPONSES DUE: 12/23/2021 at 5:00 pm Pacific Time The City of San Rafael announces the availability of two million five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000) in funding available for the construction or the preservation of permanently affordable rental housing for … Continued

Defensible Space Fuel Reduction in China Camp State Park Beginning on November 22, 2021

Starting November 22, 2021 the San Rafael Fire Department, in collaboration with State Parks and Marin County Fire Department will begin vegetation management behind homes within China Camp State Park. Work will take about three weeks to complete. Work will focus on creating and maintaining defensible space within 130’ of homes next to China Camp. The work will remove invasive weeds, grasses, shrubs, dead … Continued

Snapshot — Redistricting, ADUs, Homelessness Update, & More

Snapshot – de parte del Gerente de la Ciudad de San Rafael Spotlight Photo Walking procession for Día de los Muertos celebration on Saturday, November 6 in the Canal neighborhood.  PHOTO CREDIT: Doug Kaye,  Last Quiz Question Congrats to Kevin Smead for being the first to correctly respond to our mystery photo in the last Snapshot Quiz! The picture was of the Turtleback Hill Trail … Continued

SSA Update: Personal Stories + Donation Opportunities

The City of San Rafael continues to successfully operate the temporary Service Support Area (SSA) for those experiencing homelessness. The rain has certainly had an effect on the SSA, but the City and local partners have been quick to help keep the area dry. City staff are assisting by building platforms to keep tents elevated and out of puddles with lumber donated by Golden State Lumber, re-routing … Continued

City of San Rafael Stands United Against Hate

The City of San Rafael City Council has unanimously approved a resolution declaring the week of November 14 – 21 as United Against Hate week. United Against Hate is a statewide campaign undertaken by local municipalities to raise awareness of and declare unequivocal opposition to hateful and discriminatory actions and rhetoric in our communities. The … Continued

33rd Annual Dia de Los Muertos Celebration

  San Rafael’s 33rd annual Día de los Muertos celebration was held at the Albert J. Boro Community Center on Saturday, November 6. The free community celebration included viewing of 20 altars; art workshops; musical performances by Pan Rafael, ELM, Cascada de Flores and dancing with La Misa Negra; cultural performances by Danza Azteca Mixcoatl … Continued

ROAD CLOSURE: Fifth Avenue between B and C St

On Friday, November 12, the AC Marriott Hotel construction team will be having their crane removed from the construction site. This will require a closure of both lanes on Fifth Avenue between B Street and C Street. The road will be closed from 7 am to 4 pm. Detours are in place and traffic delays … Continued

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