City Social Media Accounts
The City of San Rafael engages with community members through its social media accounts. To connect and learn about special events and important City updates, check out the links below.
City of San Rafael
San Rafael Recreation Division
San Rafael Department of Public Works
San Rafael Economic Development Department
San Rafael Fire Department
San Rafael Police Department
San Rafael Public Library
San Rafael Volunteer and Sustainability Programs
City of San Rafael social media accounts ("City social media") are intended to be a limited public forum for communication and discussion between the City of San Rafael and members of the public about specific topics. The City of San Rafael reserves the right to remove inappropriate comments including those comments that are not topically related, comments that include profane or obscene language, sexual content, threats, defamatory statements, the encouragement of illegal activity, violations of the legal ownership interests of another party, solicitations of commerce, statements in support or opposition to political candidates or ballot propositions, content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination, or information that may compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems. Any content posted may be subject to public disclosure upon request. Activity on this account is subject to all federal, state, local, and applicable laws and regulations.