Community Gardens
Join our wait lists now! Garden plots are rented annually, beginning in January. Priority goes to gardeners wanting to continue to maintain existing plots or move to new plots, then open plots are offered to individuals and groups on the wait list.

Canal Community Garden
Located at the corner of Bellam Blvd./Windward Way - next to Picante Restaurant
Contact the Falkirk Cultural Center at (415) 485-3328 or email garden@cityofsanrafael.org for more information or to be placed on the wait list. Gardeners are asked to participate in general chores and at least three community work days organized seasonally.
Annual Canal Community Garden Rates (effective 1/1/22):
San Rafael Resident fee: $75 full plot; $38 half plot or accessible plot
Non-Resident fee: $90 full plot; $45 half plot or accessible plot
Full plots are approximately 50 square feet.

Terra Linda Community Garden
Located at 380 Nova Albion Way - next to Miller Creek School District Administration offices
Contact the Falkirk Cultural Center at (415) 485-3328 or email garden@cityofsanrafael.org to be placed on the wait list. Please include in your e-mail; full name, home address, and phone number.
Annual Terra Linda Community Garden Rates:
San Rafael Resident fee: $133 full plot; $67 half plot or accessible plot.
Plot sizes are 15 x 30 for a full plot; 7.5 x 15 for a half plot.
If you're not in our area, you may wish to consider connecting with UC Cooperative Extension or your local city to get information on your city's community garden programs.
We offer Recreation Scholarships each year that are limited in funding and are allocated based on income requirements and availability.