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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: Additional Reopening Guidelines, City Council, & Testing

Posted on May 29, 2020

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Progress continues! New guidelines have been posted to Marin Recovers allowing additional businesses (that follow specific criteria) to reopen Monday, June 1, 2020, including, outdoor retail, office space, outdoor dining, and curbside library services. We’ll be working to open our Downtown and Pickleweed libraries for curbside pickup beginning Wednesday, June 3rd – stay tuned!

Additionally, more parks and beaches will be opening up to motorized access on June 1st. Marin County Parks has curated a status list of its park locations in Marin County. In addition, One Tam maintains a similar page covering regional, state, and federal recreational lands. These pages will be updated as the new guidelines go into effect on June 1st. San Rafael removed the motorized access restrictions to our parks and open spaces a few weeks ago, so this does not impact us.

What is coming next?

Marin County Public Health Guidelines for the next stage of openings would likely include indoor retail and outdoor religious services. Barring any surges in disease transmission, those are expected to be released by June 12 to begin June 15.

Get Involved, as Much as You’d Like

Have you had a chance to check out one of our virtual City Council Meetings on YouTube? If not, you should! Aside from our Snapshot Newsletter, which comes out the Thursday before every City Council meeting and highlights items on the agenda, general news, and events, watching or listening in to a meeting will give you real-time updates on decisions that are being made in our wonderful city. Have something to say? You can comment live!

For instance, the County of Marin is working to continue developing reopening guidelines for the various service industries and we’re working to deploy this information to you as quickly as possible. At Monday night’s City Council meeting, the Council will consider a resolution to make it easier for businesses to use public space for outdoor dining and retail. This will allow us to better support businesses in expanding their operations while remaining compliant with the phases of reopening laid out by the State and the County.

COVID-19 Testing Schedule Updates

Starting on Monday, June 1, 2020 the COVID-19 Testing Schedule will slightly change. If you’ve continued working during the COVID-19 pandemic and are frequently coming into contact with the public, this means you are strongly encouraged to get tested.

There are several ways to get tested in San Rafael. You can call your medical provider to see if they offer testing; most do. If you don’t have health insurance, you can get tested for free by calling 1-888-634-1123 or visiting to make an appointment. Multilingual staff are available to assist with both appointment scheduling and testing.

Free, drop-in testing (no appointment needed) is also available in the Canal neighborhood next week:  

  • Tuesday & Thursday from 1-6:30 p.m. at 1177 Francisco Blvd East (Available to adults who live or work in Marin) 
  • Wednesday from 1-3 p.m. at 91 Larkspur St (Available to adults and children who live in the Canal neighborhood) 

Appointment ONLY call 1-888-634-1123 or visit

  • Tuesday – Saturday at 1177 Francisco Blvd East (Available to adults who live or work in Marin)


  • Filing deadline for business property statements without penalty is May 31, 2020.
  • Don’t forget to fill-out your Census! You can do it online or by calling a toll-free phone number.
  • Like to sew? Face covering donations are still being accepted!
  • Red Cross will be hosting a blood drive at the San Rafael Community Center—check out their website to make an appointment!
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