Coming soon…
Last week the State of California announced that retail businesses could begin reopening for curb-side pickup, subject to local orders. Later this week, Marin County will provide reopening guidelines for retail businesses in Marin to reopen on Monday, May 18th—we can’t wait! The goal is to reopen safely and thoughtfully, while maintaining compliance with the Public Health Order.
Tomorrow evening at 5:30 p.m., Supervisor Damon Connolly will host “office hours” and has invited Vice Mayor Kate Colin and Daniel Indelicato from Gaspare’s Pizzeria to talk about the path forward for local businesses and what they need most. You can submit questions ahead of time by emailing ggoncalves@marincounty.org.
Tune in: https://t.co/pLKrls4KcB?amp=1
In addition, allowing motorized access to parks and trailheads is being re-evaluated and some restrictions may be lifted as early as Monday in certain areas. The County is working on a new Order on this topic which is also expected later this week. We are clearly not out of the woods yet, so continue being mindful when traveling for essential activities, continuing to practice social distancing guidelines, and wear a face covering.
Great Plates Delivered for Older Adults
On Tuesday night, the Marin County Board of Supervisors approved the launch of the Great Plates Marin program, which is a part of Governor Newsom’s Great Plates Delivered program. Great Plates Marin funds a number of local restaurants to prepare and deliver nutritious meals to older adults. Interested in applying for meal delivery?
To be eligible to receive meals through Great Plates Marin, Marin residents must:
- Be 65 or older, or 60-64 and in a high-risk category as defined by the CDC
- Live alone or with one other program-eligible adult
- Not currently receive assistance from another state or federal nutrition program, such as Meals on Wheels, CalFresh, or the County grocery delivery service
- Earn no more than $74,940 for an individual or $101,460 for a household of two
- Affirm an inability to prepare or obtain meals
To apply or receive further information, call Whistlestop’s Great Plates intake line at 415-456-9073.
Have you replied to the Census?
We’re sure you’ve heard about it, but in the off chance you haven’t… Census 2020 is our once-a-decade opportunity to count every person living in the United States. The 2020 count will shape how tax dollars are shared over the next decade until the next count occurs. Census numbers help guide how funding is distributed for schools, roads, and other public services in our local communities. Census enumerators (the people who help count us for the census) have an even harder job than normal due to the impacts of COVID-19 and social distancing orders, so if you are able, please complete it online.
Every person counts—regardless of citizenship or immigration status.
Need help completing your Census? Maybe you have a quick question—no worries! The Census Bureau has toll free numbers that are open seven days a week 4:00 AM – 11:00 PM.
- Filing deadline for business property statements without penalty is May 31, 2020.
- Red Cross will be hosting a blood drive at the San Rafael Community Center—check out their website to make an appointment!
- Face covering donations are still being accepted!