Starting tomorrow evening, Thursday from 5—9 p.m., “Dining Under the Lights” will begin, sponsored by the Downtown Business Improvement District as a way to support our local restaurants and help people get back to work. An on-street, socially distanced dining experience, the program will take place every Thursday this summer. If you decide to head out to Fourth Street tomorrow evening, consider riding your bike! We recently installed more bike racks throughout downtown San Rafael. Portions of Fourth Street will be closed for the evening to allow for outdoor tables to be safely spaced apart.
Downtown Streets Team Back at Work
The Downtown Streets Team (DST) is back at work cleaning up and helping to beautify downtown San Rafael.
For those of you who don’t know, DST is a work experience program for people experiencing homelessness that helps develop job skills and transition people to regular employment. We collaborate with the DST on litter clean-up and various beautification projects around the City to raise awareness and decrease the number of people experiencing homelessness.
So, if you’re out and about, you may see DST members working throughout downtown San Rafael on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays!
Eviction Moratorium Extended Through July
Yesterday, the Marin County Board of Supervisors extended the eviction moratorium through July 28, 2020.
The Eviction Moratorium still allows for at least 90 days after the expiration of this Resolution for a residential tenant to pay back rent. Tenants may consider creating a payment plan with their landlord during the moratorium period; any pay back agreements made between tenants and landlords can exceed the 90-day limit.
What’s covered under the eviction moratorium? Substantial COVID-19-related loss of income due to:
- Business closure
- Loss of work or wages
- Layoffs
- Missed work or childcare expenditures due to school closure
- Medical Expenses related to being ill with COVID-19 or caring for a member of the household ill with COVID-19
- Other similarly caused reasons resulting in a loss of income due to COVID-19
The law also protects renters from harassment and intimidation based on the moratorium, as well. If you feel you or someone you know has been a victim of this, please reach out to Legal Aid of Marin.
- June 29th Phasing of Reopening guidelines released (gyms, hair, nail salons, indoor dining to reopen, camping)
- Comcast extends Internet Essentials program for discounted internet.
- Social Bubbles and why they’re important.