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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: Enforcement Ordinance, Schools, Bags, & More

Posted on July 23, 2020

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Yesterday morning, the Marin County Board of Supervisors passed aurgency ordinance that enhances enforcement efforts of the Public Health Order. The idea of this urgency ordinance is not to issue citations without warnings to individuals and businesses; in fact, it allows for a grace period so a notice of violation can be issued before issuing a citation. Education and awareness is preferred prior to issuing citations 

The penalty for individuals would be between $25 and $500. For businesses, it would be $250 to $10,000. For both, each additional day would represent a separate violation. 

Members of the public who witness violations are encouraged to email SIPviolation@countyofmarin.orgPlease include the business name, address, and as much detail as possible regarding the perceived health order violation. 



A Path to Resume Classroom Learning  

Students in Marin County will begin the school year with online distance learning due to rising COVID-19 infections. Once infection rates are under control and Marin is no longer on the State’s “monitoring list,” in-person classroom learning can be phased in. The State recently released a framework for how this will work. The framework includes guidance about testing and frequency, and protocol for if a student or staff person has symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19.  

Reusable Bags 

Reusable bags were banned in late March to limit the risk of grocery store clerks contracting COVID-19 from handling bags brought in from shoppers’ homes. As of yesterdaycustomers can use their own reusable bags at businesses again. Here’s what you need to know: 

  • Bags cannot be placed on shared surfaces like counters 
  • Shoppers must load their own groceries 

If you’re going to be dusting off those reusable bags for your future shopping trips, your bags should be washed often: 

  • Cloth reusable bags should be washed in a washing machine using laundry detergent. They should also be dried in the dryer or air-dried. 
  • Plastic-lined reusable bags should be scrubbed using hot water and soap, then air-dried. 
  • Before storing, be sure both cloth and plastic-lined reusable bags are completely dry. 

Community Conversation: COVID-19 Outbreak Prevention and Management: Canal Area (San Rafael) 

The Canal neighborhood in San Rafael is experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks, learn about what Marin County Public Health has been doing to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in this neighborhood, why we’re experiencing outbreaks in the Canal, and how the outbreaks are being managed.   

WHAT: Community Conversation: COVID-19 Update: Outbreak Prevention and Management: Canal Area (San Rafael).
WHEN: Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 4:30PM 


  • Lisa Santora, M.D., Deputy Public Health Officer 
  • Omar Carrera, Executive Director, Canal Alliance 
  • Jenny Greenway, Nurse Practitioner, MarinHealth Mobile Care Team 


  • Watch/Listen via Zoom: or call (669) 900-6833 – Meeting ID: 993 8019 4261, Attendee ID: #, Password: 074775 

Requests for accommodations may be made by calling (415) 473-4381 (Voice), CA Relay 711 or by e-mail at Copies of documents are available in alternative formats, upon request. 


  • The last scheduled Marin County Office of Education’s Rethinking Schools webinar is being held on Thursday, July 23 at 9AM. Join the discussion via Zoom or Facebook. 
  • Face coverings are mandatory, make sure you’re covered every time you leave the house.  
  • Support your neighborhood in small ways, or become a volunteer at a food bank! 
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