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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: Marin Tightens Restrictions, the Meaning of Face Coverings, & Volunteer Opportunities

Posted on July 6, 2020

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The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) created a “watch list”  for counties whose COVID-19 data has raised concerns regarding spikes in COVID-19 cases within their communitiesIndicators raising concern are things like, community spread, increased hospitalization, and limited hospital capacity. Marin County was added to the State’s watch list for all three indicators on July 3rd  

The State recommends the following actions to address the drivers that originally placed Marin on this watch list: 

  1. Enhanced infection control practices and testing 
  2. Increased testing and care support for vulnerable populations  
  3. Collaboration between our local Marin County health department, CDPH, and the California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation to mitigate the outbreak at San Quentin. 

What happens now? 

Counties who remain on the watch list for three consecutive days are directed to close some indoor operations such as indoor dining. Effective last night, indoor dining is prohibited for at least three weeks. Outdoor seating and take-out service remain allowed at restaurants as long as public health precautions are taken. Additionally, the CDPH has formed strike teams to patrol restaurants and other businesses who are not in compliance with COVID-19 safety measures.  

We urge the community to remain diligent—wear face coverings in public, wash your hands frequentlyand practice physical distancing (6-feet) from those outside your immediate household

What do Face Coverings (Masks) Mean to You? 

Face coverings have been mandatory since June 18th. Whether you’re an employee or a customer, face coverings are required to be worn. It can be as simple as a bandana, but MUST cover both the nose and mouth. 

Headed to the grocery store—face covering. 

Waiting for or riding public transportation—face covering. 

Going to the doctor, dentist, or pharmacy—you guessed it, face covering. 

Let face coverings be our way of announcing that we are in this together and that our own individual comfort is not more important than another’s health. 

Wear a face covering like your life and those around you depend on it. Because it could…. 

Yes and No Face Mask Faces



Opportunities to Work or Volunteer for COVID-19 Relief 

The need for food is still great, and many of our neighbors are struggling to make ends meet. The San Rafael Volunteer Program is assisting local nonprofits in recruiting good volunteers who are willing to commit to several weeks of service. Most are one day per week opportunities and you get to volunteer with other service-minded individuals helping those most in need.  

Check out the listings and see where you fit in!  

The County of Marin has an immediate need for those who are interested in being on the front lines of serving the community during this COVID-19 pandemic. The County is looking for temporary County Services Workers (CSWs) to serve in a variety of assignments as the County’s Emergency Response continues. 


  • Monitor COVID-19 cases at San Quentin by visiting the CDCR’s data tracking dashboard. 
  • Participate in Marin County’s Office of Education webinars to discuss the reopening of schools this August. 
  • Free COVID-19 testing is available in San Rafael: 
    • San Rafael – Canal area: Tuesday – Saturday appointments available, schedule online or by calling 888-634-1123. 
    • San Rafael – Civic Center area: Monday – Friday appointments available, schedule online 
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