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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: Open Business Map, Indoor Retail, Homelessness During a Pandemic, & More

Posted on June 10, 2020

Shelter Video


San Rafael restaurants are excited to bring more outdoor dining to the community and we’re excited to be helping them hit the ground running! 

We created new, free permit types to accommodate businesses who want to use the sidewalk, plaza, or parking space in front of their business for outdoor dining and retail. 

Interested in dining outside at one of your favorite San Rafael restaurants? Not sure what’s open? We’ve got you covered! To make is easier for people to find what restaurants are open (inspired by a similar effort in the Puget Sound), we created a map where restaurants can add their location, website, open hours, and whether they are open for pickup / delivery / outdoor dining. Restaurants have full control to edit their listings themselves on the map so they can update any incorrect or outdated info. 

Open Restaurant Map image


Indoor Retail Starts Friday 

As part of the countywide sequential reopening, indoor retail will be allowed starting on Friday, June 12. What do shoppers need to know? 

  • Wear a face covering and keep 6-feet from others 
  • Shops may have occupancy rules and/or time limits 
  • Some shops may offer shopping by appointment while others will be first come, first serve 
  • Clothing cannot be tried on and dressing rooms will be closed 

Homelessness During a Pandemic 

The City of San Rafael and County of Marin have provided an update on the most significant ways in which the City, the County, and our local homeless service providers are responding to the COVID-19 crisis. Read the newsletter to learn more. The newsletter includes photos and a video from one of our shelters where the chronically homeless and medically vulnerable are being housed. 

Outdoor Recreation Programs 

As the County’s rules on outdoor recreation are loosening, some privately-run outdoor recreation programs are now allowed in City parks and fields. These include small recreation classes (10 or less people) and summer camps. 

  1. Outdoor recreation classes with 10 people of fewer (including the instructor), where participants maintain a minimum distance of 6 feet from each other at all times and there is no shared equipment. 
  2. Summer Camps and Sports Camps are allowed to operate outdoors with 12 or fewer students that must stay in the same camp for a minimum of 3 weeks. 

Keep in mind, amenities like playgrounds and picnic areas are still closed. While enjoying outdoor activities, please remember to stay 6-feet away from people not in your household and bring your face covering. 


  • Red Cross will be hosting a blood drive at the San Rafael Community Center—check out their website to make an appointment! 
  • Join PG&E’s webinar about their Community Wildfire Safety Program tonight at 5:30 p.m. 
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