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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: Testing Increases, County Eviction Moratorium, & More!

Posted on May 27, 2020

Access to COVID-19 testing continues to increase in our community. In the past three weeks, Marin County has nearly tripled its testing capability. Widespread testing is a crucial step in containing the virus and moving us forward on our path towards recoveryAnyone who is feeling sick should get tested. Also, even if you aren’t experiencing symptoms, it’s recommended that you get tested if you were exposed to someone who has COVID-19 or are an essential worker (i.e. first responders, grocery stores, health professionals, construction, or childcare). Ithis applies to youfind a testing site and get tested. 

As testing increases, we are witnessing spikes in cases among people who work with the public, such as grocery store workers, gas station attendants, and people who work in food service. If you’ve continued working during the COVID-19 pandemic and are frequently coming into contact with the public, this means you are strongly encouraged to get tested.  

There are several ways to get tested in San Rafael. You can call your medical provider to see if they offer testing; most do. If you don’t have health insurance, you can get tested for free by calling 1-888-634-1123 or visiting to make an appointment. Multilingual staff are available to assist with both appointment scheduling and testing. 

Free, drop-in testing (no appointment needed) is also available in the Canal neighborhood:  

  • Tuesdays & Thursdays from 1-6:30 p.m. at 1177 Francisco Blvd East (adults who live or work in Marin—no testing for children at this site) 
  • Thursday, Friday from 1-3 p.m. at 91 Larkspur St (adults and children who live in the Canal neighborhood)  

Regardless of your testing results, information is power! The sooner you get tested, the sooner you’ll have the information necessary to take the appropriate steps to protect yourself, your loved ones, and our community. Thank you for doing your part to keep us all safe! 



Eviction Moratorium Extended Through June 

On Tuesday, May 26 (that was just yesterday) the Marin County Board of Supervisors extended tenant protections against evictions through June 30th for residential residents only during the coronavirus crisis. This means the Amended Resolution will no longer protect commercial tenants, who are protected under the current Resolution due to expire on Saturday, May 30thThe Eviction Moratorium still allows for at least 90 days after the expiration of this Resolution for a tenant to pay back rent. Consider creating a payment plan with your landlord or tenant during the moratorium period; any pay back agreements made between tenants and landlords can exceed the 90-day limit.   

What’s covered under the eviction moratorium? Substantial COVID-19-related loss of income due to:   

  • Business closure  
  • Loss of work or wages  
  • Layoffs  
  • Missed work or childcare expenditures due to school closure  
  • Medical Expenses related to being ill with COVID-19 or caring for a member of the household ill with COVID-19  
  • Other similarly caused reasons resulting in a loss of income due to COVID-19  

The law also protects renters from harassment and intimidation based on the moratorium, as well. If you feel you or someone you know has been a victim of this, please reach out to Legal Aid of Marin.    


Education & Kids’ Recreation Discussion 

Tune in to Supervisor Damon Connolly’s “office hours” tonight at 5:30 p.m. He’s invited Vallecito School Principal Elizabeth Foehr, Venita Valley teacher Allie Kegley, and City of San Rafael Library & Recreation Director Susan Andrade-Wax to discuss educations and kids’ recreation moving forward. Don’t miss it! 


Guidelines for Summer Camps & Childcare 

Last week The County of Marin released reopening guidelines about summer camps and childcare businesses, effective June 1. Does this pertain to you or your business? Check out the mandated steps and precautionary practices that have been posted on Marin Recovers. The requirements for child care facilities and summer camps also include restrictions, such as, limiting group sizes, staggering drop off and pick-up times, and avoiding carpooling.  

Read up on the rest of the guidelines! 


PG&E to Conduct Helicopter Patrols in Marin County 

Starting this week, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) will conduct routine line inspections, flying drones along electric transmission lines in Marin County this week and helicopters next week. This is part of PG&E’s System Inspections Program, which accelerates inspection cycles beyond compliance regulations to align with wildfire risk, and increase grid safety and reliability against wildfires.  



  • Be on the look-out for an increase in cyber scams and scams related to COVID-19 
  • Cybersecurity best practices can be found at 
  • The District Attorney’s Consumer Protection Unit can be reached at 415-473-6495 
  • While you may visit your neighborhood park, playgrounds and other park amenities (aside from tennis) remain CLOSED. They are not regularly sanitized. Find out more about our city parks. 
  • Don’t forget to fill-out your Census! You can do it online or by calling a toll-free phone number. 
  • Like to sew? Face covering donations are still being accepted! 
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