Happy Friday, San Rafael!
Today, the County Health Officer issued an updated Parks Public Health Order that supersedes the order issued on April 29. Under the new order, certain parks and open spaces in Marin County will allow motorized vehicle access again, effective May 18. This means you will now be able drive to some of your favorite trailheads to enjoy the outdoors. Not all areas are open yet, so please check this list before heading out the door.
Additionally, portions of park facilities that have high-touch equipment or that encourage gathering are to remain closed, so for now, no playgrounds, climbing walls, and barbeque and picnic areas. If you do decide to visit a park facility — you’re still required to practice social distancing, and don’t forget your face covering!
Curbside Retail Available Monday!
Great news! Starting Monday, May 18 you’ll be able to place an order with some of your favorite local retail shops and pick it up curbside! Marin County has developed protocols and best practices for industries as we begin to safely reopen our economy. Curbside retailers are required to adopt and post a COVID-19 Site Specific Protection Plan in line with these best practices. Visit Marin Recovers to learn the big-picture and industry-specific plans for our safe reopenings.
7 Days to a Fire Safe Home – Tip #4
This is week four of tackling one fire safe tip per week to make your home, drum roll please, more fire safe! This week we’ll be working on how to choose fire safe landscaping while maintaining your defensible space.
We aren’t looking to get rid of all plants, don’t be crazy! The goal is to identify landscaping that both makes you proud of your yard and is fire resistant, diminishing the chances of ignition in the event of a fire. It’s common that most plants you have around the yard will need to be maintained year round, no matter what type they are. If you’re getting ready to put some new plants in the ground we recommend that you avoid planting close to the home (within 5 feet of any structure). We also recommend addressing any vegetation that touches your home or is close to it, before you start working on the rest of the yard. Everyone in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) of San Rafael is required by law to maintain 100 feet of defensible space or to their property line to help make our community safer. And since fire knows no boundaries, we recommend this practice for our neighbors outside of the WUI too.
Not sure if you’re property is in the WUI? No problem! Use this cool map tool to find out.
FireSafe Marin provides a great basic list of recommend plants and those that should be avoided. Remember, in WUI areas of San Rafael, Bamboo and Juniper are not allowed to be planted and any Bamboo or Juniper within 15 feet of the home must be removed. This is due to the fact that they are highly pyrophytic and ignite easily!
You may also look into the Marin Master Gardeners. They have loads of great information, especially relating to residential fire safe planting, so be sure to check out their website or watch this fire smart landscaping video crated by Marin Masters Gardeners and FireSafe Marin!
Fire Safe Marin’s website also offers a great description of the different zones around the home and what should and should not be planted in each—the more you know!
If you have any questions you can reach our office by using the Contact Fire Department Form or calling 415-485-3308.
- Are you or someone you know an older adult who could use some assistance getting meals on the table? You may be eligible for meal delivery through Great Plates Marin. Call 415-456-9073 to apply.
- The San Rafael Public Library is still here for you! Find out about remote services and upcoming virtual programs in the latest edition of Your Online Library and subscribe to receive weekly updates.
- Filing deadline for business property statements without penalty is May 31, 2020.
- Red Cross will be hosting a blood drive at the San Rafael Community Center—check out their website to make an appointment!
- Face covering donations are still being accepted!