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COVID-19 Testing in Marin is Easier and Free

Posted on November 20, 2020

Image of man receiving a drive through covid test

Whether a resident is insured or not, local options for testing are available

Marin County residents seeking COVID-19 testing have more options than ever. Every day, an average of more than 1,000 Marin residents are tested for the disease, and residents should be aware of their options as case counts rise.

Because navigating new choices can be challenging, an updated list of local testing locations is on the Marin County Public Health website. In addition to the offices of health care providers, residents can access testing through dedicated test sites and Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved home testing kits.

Mail-in home testing options are gaining in popularity as a convenient alternative to traveling to a testing site. Families with returning college-aged students can have a test waiting at home.

Anyone seeking a COVID-19 test should first contact a health care provider. Most providers now offer testing for their patients and are required to do so under California state regulations.

The Public Health Division of Marin County Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) offers the following considerations for who should get tested.

  • People who have symptoms of COVID-19.
  • People who have had close contact(within 6 feet for a total of 15 minutes or more) with someone with confirmed COVID-19.​​
  • People who have been asked or referred to get testing by their health care provider, local health department or state health department.
  • Essential workers who have regular contact with the public should be tested up to monthly whether or not they have symptoms.

In addition to testing options available through medical providers across the county, free testing is available Tuesdays through Saturdays at the Public Health testing site in San Rafael. Make an online appointment and call (888) 634-1123 for additional assistance.

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