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Create a time capsule!

Posted on April 6, 2020

Time Capsule Worksheet

Here’s a great way for kids to record their experience during this historical time.

You can print out this worksheet and we will include a fillable worksheet soon! If you can’t print it out, we’ve also listed items below that your children can create on their own and have provided text that can be copied into a document or an email for children to fill out.  Have fun and share your time capsules with us on Facebook, Instagram or email us at

Follow this link for talking about Covid 19 with your children as they engage in this activity.

Here are some of the fun and interesting items you can include: 

  • Some photos from this time 
  • Photos or drawings of who you are living with right now 
  • This is how my face looks right now. Draw a picture of yourself. Happy, sad, goofy, laughing?  
  • A journal of your days 
  • Local newspaper pages or clippings 
  • Any art work you created 
  • Family and/or pet photos 
  • Special memories 
  • Here’s where I’m living right now _________________________________  Here’s a drawing or picture of my house. 
  • Handprints– have everyone in your house put washable paint on their hands and then have them press them onto the same piece of paper. Or, you could trace each of their hands in different colors and have someone trace yours, onto the same piece of paper. They can each sign their names next to their hands. 

Parents, if you can’t print the attached worksheet, copy and paste the text below into a Google or Word document or into an email that kids can fill-in. 

What are some of your favorite things? 











I am: _____ years old 

I weigh_____pounds 

I stand_____inches tall 

My shoe size is______ 

My best friend/s is/are? 


When I grow up I want to be: 


The three things I’m most excited to do when this is over are: 


Words to describe how I feel: 


What I have learnt most from this experience is: 


I am most thankful for: 




How are you talking or communicating with others right now? Phone? Computer? Who do you usually talk with and how often?   






What are the things you are doing to have fun and to connect with others?  


Outside?  (for example, hearts in windows, chalk notes on sidewalk, etc) 


Write down five to ten fun things you’re doing to keep busy, for example, coloring, singing, learning an instrument, learning a language, building forts, etc. 



Which occasions did you celebrate during this time? Write a list down and what you did to celebrate. For example — EasterBirthdays, Anniversaries 

Event  1 (Birthday, etc)


How you celebrated

Event 2 


How you celebrated

Event 3


How you celebrated

Event 4


How you celebrated 

Write a letter to yourself.  

Dear                      , 




Interview your parents/sisters/brothers/grandparents 

How are your finding homeschooling? 


What are your goal/s for after this time? 


How are you feeling? 


Which activities/hobbies have you enjoyed doing? 


What has been the biggest change?  


Which TV shows have you been watching? 


What is your new found favorite inside family activity? 


What is your favorite food to bake? 


What is your favorite time of the day? 


How many days have you spent inside? How often did you go outside for a walk? 


What are you most thankful for? 


What are your top three moments from this experience? 

Have your parents/sister/brother/grandparents write a letter to you. 

Dear _____________________, 











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