City Hall and other offices will be closed to the public from December 23 to January 3, but appointments are available upon request. Public safety and emergency services remain available 24/7.  

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Mini-Grant Program

What is the Mini-Grant?

The City of San Rafael spends nearly a quarter of a million dollars annually addressing the problem of public dumping.  Nearly 20% of Public Works’ Streets Division time is spent collecting and disposing of waste that is dumped on City streets and sidewalks, creating a public nuisance and safety hazard for the community.  This crime is often difficult to detect as it occurs at all hours of the day throughout the City.  To address this pervasive issue, the City of San Rafael is looking to partner with the community through the use of mini-grants that fund projects inspired by the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED).  

CPTED is a set of proven strategies that aim to prevent criminal acts from occurring in the first place, while also building a sense of community and providing inhabitants with a feeling of territorial control. CPTED strategies often include, but are not limited to, increasing nighttime light, constructing barricades, and installing video surveillance cameras. 

The City of San Rafael is seeking mini-grant proposals from eligible local businesses that are experiencing illegal dumping and are interested in applying the principles of CPTED. 

These mini-grant awards will be made available to local businesses in San Rafael whose proposals address one or more of the following programs goals: 

  1. Viable, long term solutions to address illegal dumping on public and private property. 
  2. Overall crime reduction for the property. 

This City-Council-approved mini-grant program is funded through rates collected by Marin Sanitary Service and is available until designated funds are depleted.  The City of San Rafael Police Department will administer the mini-grant program. 

If selected, the City of San Rafael will reimburse each grantee up to a maximum of $1,000 (one thousand dollars) for equipment/materials deemed appropriate for crime prevention through environmental design. 

Who Is Eligible to Apply?  

Business license holders within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City of San Rafael are eligible to apply. Applicants are limited to one (1) grant application per program year. 

A total of $10,000 is available for the mini-grant program. Applicants may request up to $1,000. Funding may not be used for salaries or other personnel or labor costs. The number of grant awards available is dependent upon the amount requested for each grant. 

How Do I Apply? 

Only electronically submitted applications will be considered.  Get your application - applications will be reviewed in the order received 

Applicants will receive an email acknowledgement of their application submission within three (3) business days. 

Application Criteria 

Proposals will be scored based on the following criteria: 

  1. Effectiveness – the extent to which the project is likely to achieve the mini-grant program’s goal of reducing illegal dumping on public and/or private property (50 points); 
  2. Specificity – the extent to which the project accurately reflects the work to be done (25 points); 
  3. Coverage – the extent to which the proposed Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design strategy (I.e. fencing, surveillance cameras, lighting, etc.) will impact other businesses and/or public spaces (25 points) 

Proposals that do not clearly specify the location of the business or the CPTED strategies will not be considered. 

Proposals will be reviewed and selected by representatives from Sustainability, Department of Public Works, and the Police Department.  These representatives will be the mini-grant review committee.  The selected proposals will be recommended to Lieutenant Todd Berringer, who will make the final award decision. 


Apply as soon as possible                    Applications will be accepted until funds are expended
30-60 days       Applicants notified of grant awards, projects can begin once approval is given
1 year from approval              All projects must be complete and receipts turned in for reimbursement

Awardees can begin project implementation as soon as they are notified of successful grant awards.  Projects must be completed one year from approval. 

Grant recipients will be required to notify Lieutenant Todd Berringer that the work has been completed and is available to be inspected. Reimbursements will be issued when projects are complete and complete receipts / paid invoices have been received. Please allow 30 days for processing. 


Please contact Lieutenant Todd Berringer at 501 @ or (415) 485-3195 with questions regarding the mini-grant program. 


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