Crosswalk Improvements
Project goals
- Enhance uncontrolled crosswalks with basic, enhanced, and specialized treatments, based on need, priority, and funding availability
- Install high-visibility crosswalks, add red curb for visibility, add warning and pedestrian crossing signage at uncontrolled crossings (uncontrolled crosswalks at locations where sidewalks or designated walkways intersect a roadway at a location with no traffic control (i.e. traffic signal or STOP sign) is present)
- Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs), and street lighting will also be evaluated
Planning/Design | |
Construction | $100,000-$200,000/annually depending on gas tax revenues |
Public Works has worked closely with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) for several years on a City-wide uncontrolled crosswalk improvement project. An uncontrolled crosswalk is anywhere a pedestrian can cross where a motorist must yield to their right-of-way. Increasing sight lines by eliminating parking at the crossing and adding high-visibility marked crossings and signage are the ‘basic’ treatments each crossing receives. City of San Rafael crews have improved many crosswalks in the City limits since Summer 2019.
The ‘enhanced’ treatments, which include bulb-outs (or curb extensions), and Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs), greatly improve pedestrian visibility and driver compliance. These enhanced treatments require more money for design and construction and each location has been ranked so improvements can be made in order of priority.
San Rafael was successful in receiving Safe Pathways grant funding through the Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) for improvements at locations within school zones. These locations are: Fifth Avenue/River Oaks, Mission Avenue/Park Street, and Mission Avenue/Alice Street. The designs are provided in a link below.
Through a Lifeline grant, San Rafael secured additional funding for crosswalk improvements in the Canal neighborhood. The locations are: Medway Road/Front Street, Medway Road/Mill Street, Belvedere Street/Vivian Street, Canal Street/Bahia Way, and Kerner Boulevard/Sonoma Street. The designs are in progress.
Lastly, Public Works and Parking Services has been actively working with residents in the Canal, Spinnaker, and Baypoint neighborhoods on the parking challenges in the area. There was a request for enhancements to the crossing of Bellam Boulevard/Vista del Mar and a request for more street parking. The design provided in the link below shows the addition of angled street parking on Bellam Boulevard and lighting and signage enhancements at the uncontrolled crossing.
- The City is addressing the basic improvements such as signage and striping in-house. For more enhanced improvements, the City has programmed money each year and is seeking grant funding when possible.
Below are examples of "enhanced" treatments.

Bulb-outs with paint and bollards are good solutions for areas with drainage challenges:

Design | Through Fall 2020 |
Go out to bid | Winter 2021 |
Construction | Spring 2021 |
More information on this project
Crosswalk Improvement Plans for each location:
- Mission Avenue/Park Street
- Mission Avenue/West of Alice Street
- Fifth Avenue/River Oaks Road
- Bellam/Vista Del Mar