Dean Allison Internship
The City of San Rafael created the Honorary Dean Allison Internship to honor Dean Allison, the City’s Public Works Director from September 2015 to March 2016 before his life was tragically cut short. He embraced the ideals of public service and transparency in his brief time with San Rafael. Dean focused on the needs of the public and worked effectively with individuals and groups throughout San Rafael to respond decisively to a broad spectrum of needs both large and small in a creative and community–focused way. This internship celebrates his life and his time serving the residents of San Rafael.Public Works
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Public Works News
Canal Neighborhood Improvements
Active Projects and Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
Public Works Permits
Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
Encroachment Permits
Assembly Bill (AB) 43 Strategy
Spinnaker Point Traffic Calming Pilot FAQs
Grading Permits
Canal Community Based Transportation Plan
Transportation Permits
Crosswalk Improvements
Sewer Permits
Slip Lane Pilot FAQs
Maintenance Divisions
Essential Facilities and Measure E
Street Sweeping
Illegal Dumping: Tips & Resources
Embarcadero Way One-Way Conversion
Bulky Waste Collection and Recycling Events
Fire Stations 54 and 55 Replacement
Francisco Blvd East Sidewalk Improvements
How is the City Addressing Illegal Dumping?
Grand Avenue Protected Two-Way Cycle Track
Bulky Item Disposal Resources and Signage
Peacock Gap Park Playground Improvements
Abandoned Shopping Carts
Second and Fourth Street Intersection Improvements
Mini-Grant Program
Storm Readiness and Response
US-101/I-580 Multimodal and Local Access Improvement Project (Transportation Authority of Marin)
San Rafael Channel Dredging
San Quentin Pump Station Replacement
Dean Allison Internship
Pavement Management Program
Pickleweed Park Enhancement
Rotary Manor Culvert Replacement
Spinnaker Point Parking Modifications
Sun Valley Park Playground Improvements
Water Course and Tideland Permits
Albert Park Improvements
ADA Improvements and Roundabout at Manuel T Freitas Parkway/Route 101 Interchange (Caltrans)
B Street Culvert Replacement
Canal Neighborhood Active Transportation Enhancement Project
Pickleweed Childcare Replacement Portables
Downtown Library Renovation
Traffic Division
Spinnaker Point Post Construction Project
Lincoln Ave. Corridor Safety Improvements Project
Downtown Transit Center Relocation (Golden Gate Transit)
Francisco Blvd. East Mid-Block Crossing Enhancement Project
(415) 485-3334 (FAX)
111 Morphew Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
San Rafael, CA 94901
Public Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am-4:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 12:30pm
(Closed Noon - 1pm)
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am-4:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 12:30pm
(Closed Noon - 1pm)