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Defensible Space Fuel Reduction in China Camp State Park Beginning on November 22, 2021

Posted on November 19, 2021

Starting November 22, 2021 the San Rafael Fire Department, in collaboration with State Parks and Marin County Fire Department will begin vegetation management behind homes within China Camp State Park. Work will take about three weeks to complete. Work will focus on creating and maintaining defensible space within 130’ of homes next to China Camp. The work will remove invasive weeds, grasses, shrubs, dead woody vegetation, and some small diameter trees to reduce wildfire risk.  

The City of San Rafael is funding this project through the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA). In 2020, Marin County voters passed special tax Measure C, which established a Joint Powers Authority called the MWPA. The MWPA funds and oversees proactive and community focused wildfire prevention and preparedness efforts within the County. For more information about this project and other fuel reduction projects please visit MWPA’s San Rafael Zone webpage or contact us by phone at 415-485-3304 or email

China Camp Fuel Reduction Map 2021

Notification map 1 map showing area for fuel reduction

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