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Del Presidio Blvd & Point San Pedro Road Improvements

Posted on April 28, 2016

Project Description: The City applied for and was granted “One Bay Area Grant” (OBAG) funding for the “Del Presidio Boulevard and Point San Pedro Road Improvements Project.”  Del Presidio Boulevard and Point San Pedro Road will receive an asphalt concrete overlay roadway surface treatment.

del presidio completed projectThe first phase of this project included the installation of American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps along Del Presidio Boulevard at Las Gallinas Avenue and Manuel T. Freitas Parkway as well as on Point San Pedro Road at Marin Bay Park Court, San Marino Court/Drive, and Biscayne Drive. The Contractor also installed new concrete medians and islands on Del Presidio Boulevard.

The second phase of the project along Del Presidio Boulevard and Point San Pedro Road consisted of grinding and overlaying both roadways as well as installing Class II bicycle lanes along Point San Pedro Road.

Project Contact: Stephanie Gindlesperger, Department of Public Works, (415) 485-3355

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