Apply to serve on a San Rafael Board, Commission or Committee!



Our mission is to enhance the quality of life and provide for a safe, healthy, prosperous and livable environment in partnership with the community.


City Attorney

Providing legal advice to the City Council and departments.

City Clerk

Keeping the records straight.

City Council

Elected to enhance the quality of life and provide for a safe, healthy, prosperous and livable city.

City Manager’s Office

Advising the City Council on policy matters and managing the operations of the City departments.

Community & Economic Development

Providing planning, building, and code enforcement services.

Digital Service & Open Government

Making City services easy to use, and work for everyone.


Managing of our financial resources.

Fire Department

Compassionate and predictable fire, paramedic, and emergency services.


Finding a home for everyone.


Providing housing-related information for renters, landlords, and residents.

Human Resources

Great vision without great people is irrelevant.

Library & Recreation

Enriching our community through discovery, learning and play.

Parking Services

Efficient and ethical parking resources for better mobility.

Police Department

Keeping San Rafael safe.

Public Works

Building, maintaining and repairing our civic infrastructure.

SAFE (Specialized Assistance for Everyone)

Non-emergency response for people in need.

San Rafael Volunteer Program

Working together to keep San Rafael awesome.

Sanitation District (Sewers)

Transporting wastewater from our homes and buildings to the treatment center.


Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to make tomorrow a better place.

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