Public Works
Our mission is to ensure San Rafael’s infrastructure meets the needs of our vibrant and growing city through careful management of major improvements and the maintenance of our city’s assets.
Click this link to view the City's FY 2023-25 Infrastructure and Transportation Work Plan.
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Public Works News
Public Works Permits
Projects and Programs
Traffic Division
Maintenance Divisions
Encroachment Permits
Grading Permits
Transportation Permits
Sewer Permits
Water Course and Tideland Permits
ADA Improvements and Roundabout at Manuel T Freitas Parkway/Route 101 Interchange (Caltrans)
Canal Neighborhood Improvements
Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (CBPP)
Downtown Library Renovation
Essential Facilities and Measure E
The City's Facilities Projects
Lincoln Ave. Safety Improvements at Wilson Ct. & Brookdale Ave. Project
Pavement Management Program
Peacock Gap Park Playground Improvements
San Quentin Pump Station Replacement
San Rafael Channel Dredging
Second and Fourth Street Intersection Improvements
US-101/I-580 Multimodal and Local Access Improvement Project (Transportation Authority of Marin)
Sidewalk Repair Program
South Merrydale Road – Civic Center Connector (Rafael Meadows) Project
Canal Community Lighting Project
Mejoras en el vecindario del canal
Canal Community Based Transportation Plan
Canal Neighborhood Active Transportation Enhancement Project
San Rafael Canal Crossing Project
Pickleweed Park Enhancement
Spinnaker Point Parking Modifications and Post Construction Projects
(415) 485-3334 (FAX)
111 Morphew Street
San Rafael, CA 94901
San Rafael, CA 94901
Public Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am-4:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 12:30pm
(Closed Noon - 1pm)
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am-4:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 12:30pm
(Closed Noon - 1pm)