Diane Dillion, Senior Associate Engineer, is retiring after 35 years of service to the City of San Rafael Public Works Department. In her role, Diane oversees citywide Encroachment Permitting (any construction work in the right of way) including approvals and inspections, as well as implementation and participation in the mandated Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (MCSTOPP). In her 35 years Diane has served in a variety of Engineering roles in Public Works, filling-in to backstop programs as needed with her inspection and project oversight expertise. Throughout the years, Diane has upheld her role with integrity and a willingness to do the hard work required to ensure the success of a construction project – public or private. Her many friends (and even some contractor foes!) will miss her thoughtful and caring, but also straight forward personality. Thank you, Diane, for all your contributions over the years, and enjoy your well-deserved retirement!
If you’d like to send a retirement send-off message to Diane please email Talia.Smith@cityofsanrafael.org.