Updates to City Hall Hours on Fridays in July and August 


Done/Doing (#2)

Posted on August 12, 2016

Here’s an update of what we’ve done and what we’re doing next to better serve San Rafael.


  • Developed mission statement for the project: Easy to use online services to make your life better. (And, we decided on a theme song).
  • Started interviewing departments to learn about key programs, services, and common questions. Discovered some workflow and process issues to solve.
  • Started developing draft content for the answers worksheet. Discovered we don’t know all the answers.
  • Developed draft content for residents, businesses and visitors landing pages.
  • Learned how to add answers and landing page content in the CMS.
  • Circled back with pilot group for new constituent relationship management platform on implementation questions and added another department.


  • Continue interviewing department directors and front-line staff.
  • Continue developing answers for the answers worksheet and adding in San Rafael-specific content.
  • Start adding content to the beta site.
  • Share digital service inspiration with the team. We’re really loving www.boston.gov right now.
  • Analyze current site’s Google Analytics to help inform content priorities.

Thanks for checking out our update of what we’ve done and what we’re doing next to better serve San Rafael. Tweet us your thoughts and ideas @WhatUpSanRafael.

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