Illegal Dumping: Tips & Resources
Helpful Information & Resources
↑ Learn more about the City's history with illegal dumping and access additional resources by visiting our sites above.
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There are Three Ways We Can All Help Keep Our City Clean!
Discouraging criminal activity is the first step to preventing illegal dumping!
Please review the below links to learn more.
If you have items on your property that need to be disposed of properly, here are just a few of your options:
Junk haulers can be hired to remove illegally dumped items. Please review the Business License database for a list of authorized haulers with the City of San Rafael. All junk haulers must give you a receipt from the dump to verify proper disposal!
Rent a debris box from companies like Marin Sanitary Service or Grange Box to properly dispose of unwanted bulky items. Various dumpster sizes are available.
Electronic waste like televisions and computers is collected by the Conservation Corps North Bay (CCNB) for FREE. They also collect used tires and motor oil for recycling. Contact CCNB by phone at (415) 454-4554 or email recycle@ccnorthbay.org to schedule a pick-up!
Contact the non-profit organization, Downtown Streets Team, to collect bulky items. Small donations requested.
If you spot illegally dumped items, please let us know!
You can do so by clicking the appropriate link below: