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Emergency Update: Marin Graduates to Tier 3, Halloween, Power Shutoffs, & More

Posted on October 28, 2020

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As of yesterday, Marin County has officially been assigned to Tier 3 (orange status) or “moderate” risk level as part of the Blueprint for a Safer Economy The State approved this move due to fewer daily cases, a reduction in the proportion of positive tests among those who are tested, and progress in addressing the County’s lowest-income communities. The County must spend at least 21 days in Tier 3 and meet additional requirements before advancing to the next, less restrictive one. In addition to the move into Tier 3, Marin Public Health has issued a new risk reduction order, which replaces the shelter-in-place order of May 15. 

The primary changes allowed under the state order as Marin moves into Tier 3: 

  • Allowed indoors at full capacity: retail establishments; indoor malls; libraries; office space (although continued telework is encouraged) 
  • Allowed indoors at 50% capacity or 200 people (whichever is fewer): restaurants; museums; places of worship; movie theaters 
  • Allowed indoors at 25% capacity or 100 people (whichever is fewer): gyms and fitness centers (and can utilize indoor pools); family entertainment centers; wineries; card rooms 
  • Allowed outdoors only: bars and breweries 

As Marin experienced earlier this year, if COVID conditions worsen the County will move back into more restrictive tier, so please continue to be safe—frequently wash your hands, practice physical distancing, and always wear your face mask. 

Have a great Halloween weekend!  

Halloween and Dia de los Muertos celebrations are going to be a little different this year but there are a number of ways to be celebrate safely. Plan a virtual costume party, tour your neighborhood in search of the best decorated home, visit Marin Center’s Spooktacular Halloween Food Drive-Thru event, or just stay at home and enjoy a good movie.  

If you decide to head out to celebrate the evening, have a plan: 

  • Remember that it is never okay to drink and drive.  Designate a sober driver or plan to use public transportation or a ride service to get home safely 
  • If you see a drunk driver on the road, contact the San Rafael Police Department by dialing 9-1-1. 
  • With this year’s Halloween occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic, Marin County Public Health is discouraging parties, gatherings of 12 or more, and trick-or-treating.  
  • Minimize mixing with people outside your family and social bubble and remember that outside gatherings are safer. 
  • Marin County Public Health also states that alcohol and drug use increase vulnerability to COVID-19 infection because it impairs judgment to properly uphold personal protection measures. 
  • Regardless of how you choose to celebrate, wear a face covering, practice physical distancing, wash and sanitize your hands regularly, and stay home if you are sick or you are in a high-risk group. 

Whatever you decide to do, have fun and keep it safe.  

Where’s your flashlight? 

On Sunday, October 25, PG&E implemented a Power Shutoff for a large portion of Northern California. San Rafael and other portions of Marin were spared a loss of power, but the event served as a reminder that we all need to be prepared for potential power loss.  

Spend time getting your household prepared for the next potential PG&E power shut off in your neighborhood. 

  • Create a safety plan for all members of your family, including pets 
  • Prepare an emergency supply kit 
  • Stock supplies for a week – include flashlights, first aid supplies, food, water and cash 
  • Fully charge your mobile phone 
  • Make sure any backup power sources are ready to safely operate 
  • Have flashlights available for your household 
  • Avoid using candles, if you can 
  • Have a battery-powered or crank radio 
  • Stock up on the right batteries for items you rely on 
  • Keep cash on hand and a full tank of gas. ATMs and gas stations may not be available during an outage 
  • Practice opening and closing your garage door manually 
  • Talk with your building manager 
  • If you live or work in a building that has elevators or electronic key card access, make sure you understand how your building will deal with potential multiple-day outages 

Don’t miss any notifications from PG&E, make sure your PG&E contact information is up to date! Update your contact information online or call 1-866-743-6589. Find more preparedness resources from PG&E. 


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