To expedite the process for resolving business violations of the Shelter-in-Place Order, each jurisdiction has set up a way to report these violations, instead of being triaged by the County. This will allow cities and towns to respond faster to the complaints. To report a business violation in San Rafael please email SIPviolations@
- Business name
- Address
- As much detail as possible regarding the perceived health order violation
For reporting violations in other parts of Marin, this press release includes contact information for the other cities, towns, and unincorporated areas.
Woodward Fire Update & Smoke in the Air
To date, the Woodward Fire at Point Reyes National Seashore has burned 4,538 acres and is and 41% contained (a 15 percent gain over yesterday). A total of 508 personnel are working the fire, which is anticipated to be fully contained sometime next week.
The Woodward Fire is being managed by the Northern Rockies National Incident Management Team 2. For the latest information follow their news releases or visit their social media channels:
- YouTube
- Radio – Tune in to KWMR daily at 9:30 am to hear the live audio stream of the Incident Command Daily Briefing
Spare the Air in Effect Through Tomorrow
Smoke from the Woodward fire continues to impact air quality in Marin. A Spare the Air Alert has been issued for Tuesday, September 1 through Thursday, September 3. When you can, stay inside with windows and doors closed as much as possible and try to avoid outdoor activity when the air quality is especially poor.
Voting and COVID-19
Recent legislation passed in response to the coronavirus pandemic requires ballots be mailed to all active registered voters, in addition to in-person voting options. Postcards were recently mailed to all voters.
- Ballots will be mailed starting October 5 – expect 5-7 days for delivery
- The Voter Information Guide will be mailed by the end of September
- Early in-person voting options will be available – information to be posted closer to the election
- Ballot drop boxes will be available throughout the county – information to be posted closer to the election
Polling places will be open on October 31 through November 3. Locations and hours of operation are still being finalized and will be posted online soon. If you do decide to visit an in-person polling place, don’t forget your face mask!
If you are not registered to vote, please do so soon. If you are registering or re-registering less than 15 days before an election you will need to complete the Same-Day Voter Registration process and request your ballot in person at the county elections office or polling location.
- Wildfire Safety Forum—Did you miss it? The recording is available on the City’s YouTube Channel.
- Kerith, the Golden Retriever visits fire personnel at the Woodward Fire Base Camp.