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Employee and Labor Relations

The Department of Human Resources is responsible for labor relations with the City's eleven different bargaining groups, which represents approximately 400 full-time staff (regular employees).

All regular employees are members in some form of a bargaining group, from the various public safety groups to non-safety positions such as engineers, street maintenance workers, and librarians. Negotiations between the City and these groups determine conditions of employment, such as wages, working hours, overtime, holidays, sick leave, vacation time, retirement benefits, healthcare, and grievance methods. These negotiations result in a City Council approved Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or a Resolution that lasts for a set time period. Some of these groups are represented by labor unions while others are unrepresented.

We are committed to fostering positive alliances between labor and management, working together to improve internal collaboration, employee involvement, morale, and customer service in the City.

β€œIn the year I have been at the City of San Rafael, I have been given the chance to grow and learn new skills. One of the main reasons I enjoy being here is because I feel challenged and supported by my coworkers and supervisors.” - Michelle Ginn, Community Development

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