Contact: Faby Guillen-Urfer / Sr. Project Manager – Public Works
We are very excited to announce that on Monday, October 18, Council authorized us to move forward with construction of Fire Station 54 & 55. Council was extremely supportive of the project and enthusiastic to continue with the City’s essential facilities upgrades.
The lowest responsive bidder and approved contractor is Wickman Development and Construction. Their base bid amount is approximately $8.7M. A 10% construction contingency was requested as well.
Staff also recommended an additive alternate to install a fueling system at Fire Station 55. Fire Station 55 is located about 6 miles from the corporate yard where staff currently fuel the emergency vehicles. To optimize resources and eliminate the need to drive to the corporate yard, Council also approved to add alternate in the amount of $110K.
Bid Summary |
Approved Base Bid & Alternate |
Base Bid | $ 8,699,000 |
Add bid alternate | $ 110,000 |
Contract Total | $ 8,809,000 |
10% Construction contingency | $ 880,900 |
APPROVED Construction amount including alternate | $ 9,689,900 |
We are all thankful and proud of City staff who have made these plans a reality; and incredibly grateful for the voters of San Rafael who, through tax Measure E, provide funding for these projects. We intend to break ground early 2022 to start our 12-month construction project.