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Evacuation Route Vegetation Clearance Beginning November 28th, 2022

Posted on November 23, 2022

Road workers working on clearing roadside vegetation

The San Rafael Fire Department will be conducting vegetation work in San Rafael along public roads and right of ways as a part of an MWPA-funded Evacuation Route Project.

The City of San Rafael is part of the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA). In 2020, Marin County voters passed special tax Measure C, which established a Joint Powers Authority, the MWPA, to fund and oversee proactive state-of-the-art wildfire prevention and preparedness efforts within the County. The purpose of the project is to reduce excessive fuels and fire hazardous vegetation along public roadways and evacuation routes. The project will also improve access by local fire departments in the event of an emergency. Work will begin along the Grand Avenue and 4th Street corridors on 11/28/2022. Subsequent work will occur throughout the City at specific locations. Please be aware of changes to traffic flow, flaggers, and workers along roadways.

For questions or inquiries, please contact San Rafael Fire Department’s Vegetation Management Specialist, Calvin Schrader at (415)-485-3457 or

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