2nd Friday Art Walk – June 8th
JunJune 8 2018
Enjoy galleries, open studios, art exhibits, live music and refreshments as you stroll in downtown San Rafael. Anchored by Art Works Downtown galleries and artist studios, the 2nd Friday Art Walk links venues along downtown Fourth Street the second Friday of each month.
1408 Mission Falkirk Cultural Center (6-8pm)
reception: Marin Open Studios Special Exhibition!
Featuring five exceptional artists: Dorallen Davis, Jessica Green, Arlene Whiting Lewetzow, Cynthia Tom, Elaine West. Open both Marin Open Studios weekends and on display to Fri, June 23rd, Tues–Fri, 1–5 pm & Sat 10am–1pm.
music: Judy Hall
reception: Marin Open Studios Special Exhibition!
Featuring five exceptional artists: Dorallen Davis, Jessica Green, Arlene Whiting Lewetzow, Cynthia Tom, Elaine West. Open both Marin Open Studios weekends and on display to Fri, June 23rd, Tues–Fri, 1–5 pm & Sat 10am–1pm.
music: Judy Hall