Climate Change Action Plan Quarterly Forum August 2024

AugAugust 22 2024

Climate Action meeting around table

Join Councilmember Maika Llorens Gulati and the Sustainability Division for our quarterly forum on climate action! Hear about great projects and programs, provide input, and see how you can get involved. There are always cool projects and updates and robust conversation.

Everyone is welcome.

City Hall, 1400 5th Avenue
3rd Floor Conference Room

Draft Agenda

  1. Zero Waste Marin presentation on new projects (carbon farms, new recycling programs, SB 1383 activities, etc.)
  2. Sea level rise collaborative & feasibility study project updates
  3. Sustainable San Rafael priorities and upcoming activities
  4. City fleet transition project
  5. General City CCAP updates

Zoom listen-in-only mode is offered by registration-only. Please register ahead of time if you cannot attend in person: 

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