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Joint study session with City of Novato to discuss Quiet Zone

MayMay 10 2017

7:00pm San Rafael City Council Chambers

1400 Fifth Ave, San Rafeal, California 94901

Train Safety

On May 10 at 7 p.m., the San Rafael and the Novato City Councils will hold a joint study session to discuss SMART Quiet Zones, including community outreach and the timing of the Quiet Zone establishment. This joint session follows the City of San Rafael’s filing of a Notice of Establishment on April 20. The Quiet Zone can be established no earlier than 21-days after this filing.

There will be no formal action or decision from the study session, however, the San Rafael City Council will hold a special meeting immediately following to provide direction to City of San Rafael staff regarding Quiet Zone establishment. The City of Novato will also be discussing this topic at their regular meeting on Tuesday, May 9. The public is encouraged to attend these meetings.

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