Falkirk Online Art Gallery
Art to Amuse & Delight Online Exhibit
Scroll down to view images of all of the show's artwork
Here you will find the online gallery of the Mixing it up with Mixed Media Art Exhibit!
Make sure to click on the photo for a clearer image.
Come and visit the galleries during open hours! Open hours are Tuesdays-Fridays 1pm-4:30pm and Saturdays 10am-2pm. Call ahead to confirm that we do not have a private event at 415-485-3328.
FIRST PLACE - Eric Kelly "Frozen Charlotte"
SECOND PLACE - Stephen Maffin "Lore"
THIRD PLACE - Carolyn Tillie "Mixed Emotions Place Setting"
Honorable Mentions: Karen Mason "Ravishing Radish Doubles", Emily Dvorin "Survived", Joy Broom "Sentimental Journeys II"