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FAQ Tag: emergency-management


Marin Transit: If Traffic lights are affected, then Marin Transit services may be delayed.  Most of Marin Transit vehicles are either fueled at the County or at Golden Gate Transit’s yard. These fuel pumps have generators in the event of electrical outages.  Marin Transit currently has two electric buses at this time, and would be … Continued

Department of Public Works

The City of San Rafael Public Works facility has a back-up generator, fuel tanks on site. In the event of a PSPS, Public Works would be responsible for ensuring adequate fuel supplies for emergency vehicles and City back-up generators.

Public Safety (Police & Fire)

Police and Fire personnel will continue to provide for life safety and property protection across our community. 911 services will remain operational and with redundancies. We also now have text to 911 capabilities in Marin County. Call if you can, text if you can’t.

Cell Phones

The City has been in touch with cell phone companies and understand that they are actively working on their contingency plans to assist consumers in the event of a potential power shutdown by PG&E. This is a statewide issue and as soon as the City hears back from them, we will share the information with … Continued

Traffic Control

Battery back-up units will be utilized at all intersections along major arterials and major collectors, that is about 50% of our traffic signals. The remainder of the intersections will be left dark. By the California Vehicle Code, an intersection in dark mode is a legal four way stop with or without stop signs. Please be … Continued


The City’s sewage system will continue functioning, Central Marin Sanitary Agency (CMSA) has the ability to extend the sewage system function with the use of existing co-generation engine and holding tanks for the primary treated effluent at their plant. Residents would be asked to limit use of the sewage system by doing things like not … Continued


To improve Marin Municipal Water District‘s readiness to respond to a PSPS, MMWD’s Board of Directors approved funding for portable generators that can be utilized at strategic sites to ensure MMWD is able to deliver water to their customers. MMWD uses pump stations powered by electricity to fill their water storage tanks. Should a PSPS … Continued

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