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FAQ Tag: finance

What if a corporate officer changes?

The president, treasurer, and other officers of a corporation may be shareholders, but they are not the owners of the business for our purposes.  We consider the corporation itself the owner of the business.  Just send us a follow-up email to with updated contact information.

What if I want to move the business/change my business address?

Always check with the City’s Planning Division to verify that the new location is zoned properly for the intended use and whether a Use Permit or another type of approval is required.  Please submit a new business license application for the new location.  If you are registered with other government agencies such as the State Board … Continued

Why did I receive a business tax certificate?

“Business tax certificate” is simply a more accurate term for what is commonly referred to as a “business license.”  Our Finance Department collects business tax but does not regulate businesses; therefore, we are trying to minimize the use of the term “business license,” which suggests the granting of permission.

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