I mailed my Business License renewal by the due date. Why was I charged late penalties?
As indicated on the renewal notice, your renewal must be physically received by the City by the due date. We do not accept postmarks.
As indicated on the renewal notice, your renewal must be physically received by the City by the due date. We do not accept postmarks.
In the downtown area, there is a Business Improvement District (BID), which is comprised of standard and premium zones. If you are thinking of starting up a business downtown, you might want to review the map below to see if your address falls within either of the zones. If so, you may be charged a … Continued
No, you can’t distribute any commercial handbill or advertising at any homes without having permission of the owner or occupant.
Only certain information is available to the public – for example, business and owner names, physical and mailing addresses, and business types. This information is printed on your business license certificate. We do not disclose phone numbers, e-mail addresses, or financial information to the public, except as required by law. Per Business and Professions Code … Continued
Your business license tax is generally deductible, but you should consult your tax adviser about your particular circumstance.
We don’t regulate business conduct, but you can contact the Marin County District Attorney’s Consumer Protection Unit and/or the Better Business Bureau.
San Rafael is a great place to start and grow a successful business. We are the economic heart of Marin County and home to many incredible companies. From biotech to real estate, finance to auto sales, construction to education; one of our most notable restaurants grew from our farmers’ market! Our Economic Development department is here for you.
To save paper, postage, and staff time, we are no longer printing new certificates every time a license is renewed, unless there is a significant change such as a new business name or address. You can view expiration dates in the online business registry.
There are a few things to be sure to do so we can process your business license in a timely fashion: Register online and promptly respond to any follow-up emails and additional requests. If your business is located within city limits, Contact the Planning Division to get their zoning approval ahead of time. Pay the … Continued
Please provide written notification of a business closure or sale. Include the date the business was closed or sold and the name of the new owner, if applicable. For your convenience, you may contact us via email at BLRenewal@cityofsanrafael.org. You can close your license online. You will need your account number and your PIN, both … Continued