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FAQ Tag: parking services

Do I need an encroachment permit?

Encroachment permits are required if you plan to do any construction work in the public right-of-way. Meaning, any work in the sidewalk area, in an easement, on city owned property (median islands, parks, city facilities) or in the street. Common reasons you’ll need one: Utility saw-cuts Excavation News stands Bicycle racks Sidewalk dining Debris boxes … Continued

Where can I find an electric vehicle charging station in San Rafael?

We have electric vehicle chargers available to the public in four parking locations in Downtown: 3rd/A St Garage 3rd/C St Garage 3rd/Cijos St lot Fifth Ave/Lootens Place lot EV charging is FREE to any of our parking customers; however, hourly payment for parking is still required. Users must register with ChargePoint and activate a ChargePoint card. If you don’t … Continued

How do I find my bus route or schedule?

For local bus routes and schedules, check out Marin Transit’s maps and routes and the Local Bus Service Map. For regional bus service, you’ll want to view Golden Gate Transit’s schedules. To see them both in one place, try Google Maps or maybe a specialty app like Transit App.

How do I renew my vehicle registration?

Californians must renew their vehicles’ registration annually, as required by the CA Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Registration fees provide funding for such things as the building and upkeep of streets and highways, the California Highway Patrol, and local county departments. You can renew online, in-person, by mail or telephone at (800) 921-1117. You must … Continued

How do I get a driver’s license?

You can get a California Driver’s License at the Department of Motor Vehicles. The nearest DMV offices are in Corte Madera and Novato.

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