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FAQ Tag: sustainability

San Rafael Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, June 2017 

Local governments must adopt a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan in order to be eligible to apply for federal funding pre and post disaster. The San Rafael plan also includes a wealth of analysis about local risks and identifies mitigation strategies to reduce the vulnerability to hazards such as wildfire, flooding, storms and erosion, drought, and … Continued

BayWAVE Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment, June 2017 

In 2017, the County of Marin, in partnership with local jurisdictions, developed a sea level rise vulnerability assessment for the eastern Marin shoreline from the Golden Gate Bridge to the county line north of Novato. BayWAVE aimed to increase awareness and preparation for sea level rise impacts. The assessment catalogs impacts across six different sea … Continued

Tiscornia Marsh Restoration Project 

Marin Audubon Society & City of San Rafael Building on the preliminary design produced by Environmental Science Associates (ESA) with a grant from the Marin Community Foundation, this phase of the Tiscornia Marsh Restoration and Sea Level Rise Adaptation Project will advance the design for restoring marsh habitat and improving the levee, connecting with community, … Continued

San Rafael Bay Oyster Bed/Eelgrass Pilot Project 

California State Coastal Conservancy  Beginning in 2012, the California State Coastal Conservancy advanced San Francisco Bay restoration efforts with a project to analyze subtidal restoration techniques and restore critical eelgrass and oyster habitat, while learning more about the potential physical benefits of biological reefs along the shoreline. A pilot project was conducted in San Rafael … Continued

McInnis Marsh Restoration Project 

County of Marin The McInnis Marsh project proposes to restore subtidal and intertidal habitat at a 180-acre area of diked wetlands within McInnis Park. It is designed to protect park and sanitary district facilities, as well as important ecosystems and to improve habitats for threatened and endangered species. More info.

China Camp State Park Road Project 

San Francisco Bay National Estuary Research Reserve, County of Marin North San Pedro Road running along the shoreline of China Camp State Park in San Rafael is an important transportation corridor that routinely floods during king tides and winter storms. An ongoing community stakeholder process formulated adaptation goals and continues to evaluate adaptation options. Project … Continued

Wildfire Prevention and Protection Action Plan, March 2019 

The San Rafael Wildfire Prevention and Protection Action Plan outlines goals to proactively address the growing risks of wildfires. The primary objectives include: Ordinance changes to mitigate wildfire risk Additional staffing, funds, and resources to address hazards & expand public education Expanded and new fuel reduction and preparedness efforts Improving and increasing vegetation management plans

San Rafael Climate Change Action Plan 2030, May 2019 

In 2019, the City Council adopted the San Rafael Climate Action Plan 2030 (CCAP 2030). CCAP 2030 primarily focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the pollution that causes climate change. The plan also acknowledges the need to adapt to the effects in two programs:   Sea Level Rise – Prepare and adapt to a rising sea … Continued

San Rafael General Plan 2040, with Flood Risk & Sea Level Rise Adaptation Report 

Building off the foundation of the BayWAVE Vulnerability Assessment and more current resources, City staff prepared the Flood Risk & Sea Level Rise Adaptation  Report, which was incorporated into General Plan 2040. This report “set the stage” by providing guidance on how to develop an adaptation plan. The report suggested the following:  Establish clear objectives … Continued

What can I compost?

If you can eat it, you can compost it! Remember that almost all organic materials are compostable, not only food waste. See below for examples of what to put in your composting bin: Food and food scraps such as fruit, vegetables, meat, bones, shells, dairy, and leftovers Plant material such as grass, flowers, leaves, branches, … Continued

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