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Fire Commission

2024 Fire Commission

About the Fire Commission

The Fire Commission contributes their experience and expertise to support the goals of the San Rafael Fire Department. In concert with the Fire Chief, the five members and two alternates collaborate on department-related initiatives, supporting the San Rafael Fire Foundation. In the past, commissioners have also participated in public education and outreach activities, supported emergency preparedness efforts, and documented the Department's history. The activities of the Commission are varied based on the unique skills and perspectives of the individual members.


Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 4:00 p.m at the San Rafael Public Safety Center.
1375 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, California 94901

Eligibility Requirements

Members of the commission must be residents of San Rafael. We welcome diverse perspectives and encourage applicants who are interested in supporting the work of the Fire Department to apply.

Staff Contact

Robert Sinnott, Deputy Fire Chief

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