Starting July 20th, the San Rafael Fire Department, in partnership with Marin County Parks, will be performing vegetation reduction work in the Terra Linda and Gerstle Park neighborhoods. A qualified tree service contractor will be performing fire hazardous vegetation removal at the end of Manuel T Freitas Parkway and Greenwood Avenue. The crew will be working behind homes within these areas, focusing on invasive species and hazardous fuel loads.
The City of San Rafael is part of the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority (MWPA). In 2020, Marin County voters passed special tax Measure C, which established a Joint Powers Authority, the MWPA, to fund and oversee proactive state-of-the-art wildfire prevention and preparedness efforts within the County. The purpose of the project is to reduce excessive fuels and fire hazardous vegetation designated in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HGMP) application. This project is funded by a FEMA HGMP Grant with matching funds provided through Measure C. The work will also improve access by local fire departments in the event of an emergency. The hazardous fuels to be removed will either be chipped and hauled away or piled and burned this winter by a qualified crew.
For questions or inquiries, please contact San Rafael Fire Department’s Hazard Mitigation Coordinator, Kate Anderson at (415) 485-3427.