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4/25/18 – Fire Station 52 Update March 2018

Posted on April 25, 2018

Fire Station 52 March Progress Update

Project Update:

During the month of March, Alten Construction continued work on the Fire Station
Building and the Training Classroom. The Training Tower foundation work initiated with
anchor pier delivery, installation and successful pull-testing. Tower footing rebar
installation was ongoing at the end of the period. At the Fire Station Building, the CMU
block was completed and building steel was delivered, erected and bolted up. Steel
welding started and the metal decking arrived at site and was staged for installation at
the 2nd floor Fire Station deck. At the Training Classroom, metal window flashings
progressed to near completion with store front glass installed and caulked. On-Site
utilities work showed minimal progress due to significant rainfall delays in March. The
Training Tower Foundation submittal was approved by the City, with the Tower Structure
design pending approval. Inspections by the City Inspector, Special Inspector, Structural &
Soils Engineers, and the IOR have been performed and approved.

Owner: City of San Rafael
Project/Construction Manager: Kitchell, Sacramento, CA
Architect: Mary McGrath Architects, Oakland, CA
Contractor – Alten Construction, Inc

Download full update here!

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