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Francisco Blvd. East Mid-Block Crossing Enhancement Project


Francisco Blvd. East Mid Block Crossing Enhancement Project


Project Goals: 

Install a pedestrian hybrid beacon with a pedestrian refuge island in the median of Grand Avenue to enhance the path of travel across Grand Avenue to the new Canal Alliance headquarters, which is located at 711 Grand Avenue to the south of San Rafael Creek.  



Planning Design: $68,700 – $69,000 

Construction: $495,000 



The Canal Alliance intends to use the property on the west side of Grand Avenue and to the south of San Rafael Creek as the new Headquarters. As a result, this building will generate pedestrian traffic. To provide a safe path of travel across Grand Avenue, a pedestrian hybrid beacon (or HAWK) with a pedestrian refuge island in the median of Grand Avenue will be installed.  


At the end of September 2024, design for this project was completed. The bid opening for construction was October 18, 2024. City Council construction award is expected to be on December 2, 2024. Construction is expected to start early next year and be completed Spring 2025.  

 The Plans and Specifications, deemed reasonable by the City Engineer for this project, are available at these links:




Project Contact: 

Mariana Sanchez, Junior Engineer 


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