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Francisco Blvd East resurfacing project

Posted on September 20, 2021

On Monday September 20th, the City Council approved the award of the Francisco Blvd East Resurfacing project to Ghilotti Construction Company, Inc. who was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the project.  Construction is anticipated to begin in Mid-October 2021 and is expected to have a duration of 15 working days.

This project is following the construction of the Francisco Blvd East sidewalk improvements, which will be finishing in October this year. The resurfacing project will rehabilitate the asphalt pavement from Vivian Street to the Grand Avenue Bridge.  Due to the high traffic volume throughout the day on this street, the project will be done at night over the course of a few weeks.

More information on the Francisco Blvd East projects can be found on our City Website:


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