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Freitas Parkway & Las Gallinas Ave Intersection Improvements

Project Status and Description:  The City has retained Ghilotti Bros, Inc. of San Rafael to construct roadway improvements at the intersection Freitas and Las Gallinas. The Intersection is very narrow, preventing left turning cars traveling east and west from turning at the same time. In addition, queues for these turn  lanes back up into the adjacent through lanes, leading to safety and operational issues.
The project includes structural modifications to widen the intersection over the creek to:
  • Allow concurrent, protected left turns from Freitas Parkway
  • Extend the bike lanes and close the gap on Las Gallinas Avenue approaching the intersection
  • Extend the bike lanes on Freitas Parkway to the intersection
  • Extend the eastbound and westbound queue pockets to accommodate existing and future traffic volumes
  • Removal of existing channelizing (“porkchop”) islands on three of the four corners
  • Traffic signal upgrades
  • Storm drain system modifications
Construction Update:  Construction began in late April and will continue through December of this year. For construction updates, please see the bi-weekly news posts above for up to date information. 
Traffic Impacts: The Contractor will need to close travel lanes from time to time to accommodate the work at this stage of construction. Lane closures are limited between the hours of 9 AM and 3 PM.
Project Contact: Hunter Young, Department of Public Works, (415) 485-3355


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