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Freitas Parkway Undergrounding District

Posted on July 15, 2019

Electricity Pole


In the 1960s the California Public Utilities Commission established a statewide utility undergrounding program to eliminate the concentration of overhead electric and telecommunication lines and wooden utility poles along major arterial streets, public areas of scenic value, and the downtown or civic center core. Funds to support this program are collected by utility companies, such as PG&E, which are collected from utility customers. So far, the City of San Rafael has been allocated approximately $5.1 million in funding to support a utility undergrounding project within city limits. To make sure that we keep our funding, the City may establish an underground utility district. At Monday’s meeting, the City Council will consider adopting a resolution to establish such a district along Manuel T. Freitas Parkway from U.S. Highway 101 to Las Gallinas Avenue.


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