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Frequent Parker Card: Discounted Parking

The "Frequent Parker Card" (FPC) is a 50% off discount parking card.

The FPC is for garage parking in the 5-story garages, located near 4th/A and 4th/C St and is ideal for those who frequent downtown, yet don't visit daily. The FPC costs $25 and is a ONE-TIME fee required to obtain the card.

  • The normal hourly rate in these garages is $1.00 p/hr.  When you use the card, the rate you pay is $0.50 p/hr.
  • No application is required.
  • Purchase your card at the Downtown City Hall office to get started

Downtown employees who work part-time, love these cards!

User Instructions

Important! Do not insert your card into any of the machines.
Use your card every time you enter & exit the parking garage.

  • To enter, hold your card in front of ticket insertion area (or flashing light) at entrance gate.
  • Before exiting the garage, go to the pay machine.
  • Hold your card up to ticket insertion area. Your amount due, minus the 50% discount will be displayed. Pay your parking fee with cash or credit/debit card.
  •  Hold your card up to the pay machine again, so that it registers your payment.
  • Upon exiting, hold your card in front of ticket insertion area at exit gate.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why do I have to hold my card upon entrance & exit?
    • Your card needs to be scanned upon entering & exiting each time you use the garage. Failure to hold the card each time you enter or exit will cause the card to become out of sequence and malfunction.
  • May I use my card in both downtown parking garages?
    • Yes, your card is valid in both garages at 3rd & A and 3rd & C Streets.
  • How long is the card good for?
    • Your card has 250 uses. Once those run out, come to our office. We will code it for 250 more, free of charge!
  • What if I lose or break my card?
    • Come to our office to obtain a replacement card for a $10.00 fee.
  • Do I need to park in a designated space?
    • No, spaces are first come, first served.
  • Still have questions?
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