With great weather to work, Van Midde and Son Concrete has been busy and working hard to replace sidewalk, curb and gutter in Gerstle Park. A program high, 12 properties are currently in the midst of getting their sidewalk repaired with 7 more properties expected to break ground within the next two weeks. Last week, a new ADA compliant curb ramp was installed at First St and Shaver along with a new planter strip that was, up until a couple of weeks ago, filled in with concrete. The planter strip will allow the City to plant new trees while also having the added benefit of allowing stormwater to infiltrate naturally back into the ground which can reduce the risk of flooding.

You too can transform your sidewalk area by applying to the 2019 Sidewalk Repair Program! Don’t wait too long though as applications close next Friday, May 17th. Please visit www.cityofsanrafael.org/sidewalks for more information.
Fun fact: You may have noticed that we are skipping around the neighborhood as we do our work. This is intentional as we ensure that we keep sidewalk on each street open at all times. We look at major pedestrian corridors and carefully plan the work schedule to ensure as little disruption to pedestrians as possible.