Hampton Inn and Suites Hotel Project
Address: | 1075 Francisco Blvd. East |
APN(s): | 009-191-02, -03, -04, -09 and -10 |
Project No.(s): | ED19-038/19-098, UP19-016/19-046; TS19-00 |
Applicant: | Stephen Allen 1501 Mariposa Street San Francisco, CA 94107 sallen@stantonarchitecture.com |
Project Planner: | Ali Giudice, Principal Planner (415) 485-3092 Alicia.giudice@cityofsanrafael.org |
Project Description
The proposed Hampton Inn and Suites Project is for a 185-room hotel and includes guest rooms and guest amenities including a breakfast dining area, meeting rooms, swimming pool, fitness room, guest laundry area, and market. The structure is a contemporary architectural style comprised primarily of aluminum, wood panels, and white plaster. Landscaping will be provided throughout the site including along all property lines and within paved parking areas. The project will include 195 parking spaces for this project.