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Hazardous Fuel Reduction on San Pedro Mountain

Posted on August 14, 2024

Gold Hill Grade Closure Map

San Rafael Fire Department, in partnership with Marin County Fire Department and California State Parks, is conducting a collaborative San Pedro Mountain Hazardous Fuel Reduction Project funded by a Cal Fire Wildfire Prevention Grant.  The project is located along approximately 12.3 miles of ridgetop and connecting fire roads throughout the San Pedro Mountain open space area. The project will treat and reduce fuels on either side of the identified fire roads. The greater region has significant fuel accumulation issues throughout all vegetation communities and several areas throughout the Project Treatment Area have established populations of invasive French broom and eucalyptus. The project will focus on improving firefighter access, improving defensible space, and decreasing wildfire intensity and severity along critical fire roads using necessary vegetation management that will also help promote the resilience of existing oak woodlands and hardwood forests throughout the area.

This project is part of an ongoing effort since 2020 to reduce fuels and improve access along all fire roads in San Rafael and has gone through an environmental review. To view the environmental compliance documents for all fire road work in San Rafael please click here

To facilitate work and keep the public and the tree crews safe, fire road closures will be required for some locations during work hours. Please seek alternative trail access routes vegetation work is completed and the fire road has reopened.

WORK COMPLETED: Lower 1/2 mile section for Gold Hill Fire Road. September 9th to October 7th from 8AM to 4PM. PINK flagging on the downhill side of the road is to mark the project boundary, and NOT individual trees marked for removal.


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