The City of San Rafael remains committed to finding solutions that honor the dignity of every person living in San Rafael, while at the same time preserving the accessibility and cleanliness of our shared public spaces, something that is crucial for the well-being of everyone who calls our city home.
Homelessness Response Update & Sanctioned Camping Area Webinar: October 3, 2024
Homelessness Response Update & Sanctioned Camping Area: Davidson Webinar, October 24, 2024
Supporting the Unhoused
San Rafael has made ending homelessness a top priority. We rely on community partnerships and policies aimed at creating housing and shelter to assist the unhoused.
SAFE team(Specialized Assistance For Everyone) - services include responding to people who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, in need of treatment for mental illness, or who need shelter by providing counseling and transportation to the appropriately staffed location.
Services and Assistance - The City simultaneously addresses today’s challenge of homelessness on our streets, while supporting the County of Marin’s system of care in developing medium- and long-term support to end homelessness.
County of Marin Coordinated Entry System - Our Coordinated Entry System is designed to serve individuals and families in Marin County who are experiencing homelessness
Partnerships - The City and County coordinate with community partners to provide services and support to individuals experiencing homelessness in San Rafael and Marin County.
Camping Regulations
The City Council adopted regulations related to sleeping or camping on public property to mitigate public health, safety impacts and hazards.
Camping Ordinance - Camping is only permitted in approved locations defined by regulations in the camping ordinance.
Enforcement of Illegal Structures - The City conducts regular site assessments at the encampments to inspect illegally constructed structures. All illegal structures are noticed and abated through the City’s administrative process.
Grant for Safe Camping Area - To support safe camping area with access to services and pathways to housing
Bi-Weekly Clean Ups - The City conducts bi-weekly clean-ups of the Mahon Creek Path area encampment. For the City to legally remove trash and debris, individuals experiencing homelessness must be present and not claim an item as their own personal property.
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Housing and Homeless Programs
San Rafael, CA 94901
Supporting San Rafael's Unhoused Community
The City of San Rafael remains committed to protecting the health and safety of community members and employees, while also striving to deliver public services to the greatest extent possible. The City does not directly provide homeless services or programming, but we partner closely with the County of Marin and local service providers to ensure that people experiencing homelessness have access to the resources they need. For the latest updates on what's available in our community, please visit this page.
If you've been sleeping on the streets or in your car for two weeks or longer, individuals please call the Coordinated Entry help line at 415-473-4663, and families please call Homeward Bound of Marin at 415-457-2115. Additionally, please note that the City of San Rafael has adopted a variety of renter protection policies to help prevent homelessness in the first place. You can learn more here.